Key Steps to Recruiting Volunteers - Communication and Creating Unity

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Sixth Step: Communication

Always remember that people want to know how much you care before they care to hear how much you know. It will be important for you to have a structure set up within the core of your children’s ministry that is designed to reach out and develop relationships with those who teach and volunteer in the children’s ministry. One person can do this for a while, but as the children’s ministry grows your list of volunteers will grow and you will need to establish a group of leaders that will be able to assist in this area. A good ratio would be one leader to 6 or 8 volunteers. Ask these leaders to make it a point to contact each person once a month to see how they are doing and if there is anything they need prayer for or assistance in. You will find great ideas in how to show appreciation for your volunteers if you will take some time to browse the Internet or visit your local Christian bookstore. The main goal is to let your teachers and volunteers know that the children’s ministry cares for them and is there for them just as they are there for the children’s ministry. A key point to remember is that a simple gesture of appreciation, as small as a SINCERE word of thanks or a hug, goes a long way, and will mean a lot to those who give of their time and provisions.

Make sure you also communicate with them on a quarterly basis regarding all upcoming events. You could do this by sending out a quarterly newsletter or by including a fun flyer with their schedules. Email is also a great way to keep in touch on a regular basis.

Creating Unity

Seventh Step: Creating unity

You are ministering to children and this does not make Satan very happy. He will do all he can to try to kill, steal, and destroy what you are building. One way he attempts to do this is by trying to bring discord and division between your team of volunteers and leaders. For this reason it will be important for you to build unity and keep it. As you orientate and train people to be a part of the children’s ministry, incorporate the following principles, and let them know that these are the principles you want all of those involved with children’s ministry to apply:.

God has called, appointed and anointed each one involved to play a special part in ministering to the children. All of us fill roles that are needed. We all depend on each other to make this team a success.
The goal of each teacher and volunteer should be to establish a healthy relationship with those they work with and build a trust and respect for each other, and for the gifts and talents God has given to each. We will address conflicts and issues promptly, based on the word of God and walking in love. We will do our best not to take anything too personally.
Through communication, prayer, and serving each other we will build a hedge of unity around us so that Satan cannot get through to try and bring strife and cause division in our team. Have clear biblical guidelines on how to handle conflict and resolve it.
We must realize the importance of being prepared and the need for ongoing training. Each volunteer will be committed to develop themselves through reading books and listening to teaching pertaining to ministering to children and attend all scheduled workshops and meetings.

Curriculum Samples

Download free samples of Jesus In Jeans Curriculum.

Free sample of JIJ Jr Preschool Curriculum.


Free sample of JIJ Elementay Curriculum.


Elementary Scope & Sequence

  • Jesus In Real Life Series (Year One)


  • Living Real Life Series    (Year Two)


JIJ Junior Scope & Sequence

  • Bible Rhymes


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